We help you build Digital Products for your business

From consultancy and execution, to commercialization and end-client customer support, we offer real expertise across the entire process of creating your digital product.

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Over 10 Years of Experience in Corporate Consulting

Supporting leading companies since 2007

Product Advisory

To help its customers in their digital transformation and the enhancement of their business, Redfabriq provides a turnkey solution from the identification of the opportunities to the design and the production of the solution.

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We perform every necessary mission for a successful outcome

Although, delivering specific digital solutions for a problematic might not be enough for some companies.

That is why we can also scale it up to a startup to add an extra value stream to your revenue, while, simultaneously, solving a market's need and your own.

From Upstream Strategy to Operational Management

By conducting: Market Research, Business Plan & Model, Objectives Definition & Action Plan and Governance

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All performing actions within one single company

A complete range of services to support you on 100% of your needs for the success of your project

  • Design by redfabriq
  • Execution by redfabriq
  • Sales & Marketing by redfabriq

Our convinctions when scaling up business innovations

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    Develop a Culture of Innovation

    To develop an appetite for innovation, it is necessary to make it part of the corporate culture by adapting internal communication strategies to promote creativity through internal competitions or intrapreneurship activities
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    Give confidence in the ability to act​

    To encourage action, it is necessary to give confidence in the ability to execute via a company Digital Lab, the realization of regular POC through an ecosystem of partners...​
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    Manage ​ and ​ disseminate innovations​

    Build on the previous bases, it is possible to organize the feedback of business needs and cross-reference them with the success stories already achieved. ​

Strong Methodologies for Sustainable Growth

Proven methods in the past and constant upgrades in our processes allows us to adapt to whatever scenario comes

  • Full disclosure

    • No information leakage of strategy, design or development
    • Full ownsership of intellectual property
    • Strict internal hiring processes
  • Rapid Decision-Making

    • Business Awareness and Considerations
    • Emergency backup systems
    • Strong adapation capabilities
  • Permament exchanges

    • Design & Development Alignment
    • Client-Provider Investment
    • Immediate bug fixing

Together We Are Stronger

A powerful team ready to welcome your project

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Let's talk about it

In a nutshell

Redfabriq helps you build digital solutions adapted to solve the problematic of your company. And we can do it so well that we can even scale it up to a startup to add an extra value stream to your revenue, while simultaneously solving a market's need and your own.

From the identification of the opportunties to the design and production of the solution, you will need a strong solid team working for with you

And we have it.

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